Computer Systems

Hardware, Software, and OSs

One of the foundations of IT are Computer Systems, in order to input to process then store for output, a very critical component.

Input, processing, storage, and output

Computer systems function by input, processing, storage and output. The "structure by design" connects by definition of it's four functions. Where instructions are sent by user interaction to be received by the computer to manipulate data called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU processes the data through Hardware and of Software which is what makes and operating system (OS). After, it is stored temporarily (introduced as a RAM) or permanently (HDDs/SDDs). And depending on what to do with the data, comes an output or the result of the process.

Central Processing Unit (CPU):     Chip usually located in the center of the motherboard that manages all OSs requests.

Hardware:    Manual mechanics of the computer or physical components.

Software:    Particular processes that run on the computer that are also known as apps or applications.

Random Access Memory (RAM):    Primary storage for input that functions volatilely known as primary.

Hard Disks Drives (HDDs):    Secondary storage device for input that rapidly consists of  spinning disks, non-volatile.

Solid State Drives (SSDs):     Secondary storage that are small and fast for data and input without spinning disks.

Computing Data

Processing carries digital weight where data and information or input are put into their specific of unit of measure. The unit of measure(s) are about 1024 bytes.

Bytes Table

Unit Definition Approx. Size
Bit Binary digit (0 or 1) -
Byte 8 bits -
Kilobyte (KB) 1,000 bytes 1,000 bytes
Megabyte (MB) 1,000 KB 1,000,000 bytes
Gigabyte (GB) 1,000 MB 1,000,000,000 bytes
Terabyte (TB) 1,000 GB 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
Petabyte (PB) 1,000 TB 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Exabyte (EB) 1,000 PB 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Zettabyte (ZB) 1,000 EB 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Yottabyte (YB) 1,000 ZB 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes

The Operating System (OS)

Software that is downloaded on inputted in the system will go into the kernel enabling the operating system along with the controllers grouped in by CPU, memory, and devices hardware.

The types of software there will be Windows, Linux, and etc. That have a map of the instructions ready to be download for the system to be operated. Not just laptops and PCs, but also consoles and different electronic devices that operate with memory to process and build.

Kernel:    Hardware that is a key component in other hardware functions within the OS.

Command-line (CL) tool:    Text-based UI that uses strictly specified inputs with sure powerful outputs. Used in Windows OS software.

    User interface (UI):    Interaction with the computer.

Bourne again shell (BASH):    Name of Linux OS software CL.

The tools that provide UI with ease on an OS often use GUI that later create virtualizations. 

Graphical User Interface (GUI):    Sort of "Point-to-click" interaction that use visual effects, icons, and mouse interactions and etc.

Virtualizations:    Instance of a computer inside a computer of device.
